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Juntos (together)

This is a painting I created of two ppl in love and I wanted to show how ppl become one after a while. The colors express the mood and life as we know it. The original sold but I have prints of it. If interested contact me and I will give you the size available.

Acrylic 24"x48" - SOLD

available in prints


Hermosa (beautiful)

This is an image of a woman showing herself as strong, powerful and beautiful.  She has her dog in her arms and posing, with a crown and the eye represents protection and what's around her world. The colors represent mood and expression. One of my favorite pieces I created.

Acrylic 24"x36" 1200.00


Mirar (look)

This painting was inspired of what's next. Do we really know? We always wonder. The person holds behind their back a symbol of hope for better things to come.

Acrylic 30"x40" 650.00


Gallo (rooster)

This painting was inspired from a rooster I saw outside. I loved the coloring of his feathers so I tried to capture his image.

Acrylic 24"x36" sold

Prints available on request


Hard Work

This painting was made

for immigrant workers or 

anyone that works hard everyday and the stress it does to the body, especially the back. If you look closely, the spine is actually bushes or crops in rows. It's an arial view of them working.

Acrylic 24"x36" 400.00


New Mexico

This painting was inspired by the many trips I've taken to New Mexico. I love the feel of the land and rich cultural surroundings.

Acrylic 24"x36" 400.00

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